Amazing Bone Facts

Bone Facts

1. Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.

2. Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.

3. Enamel is hardest substance in the body.

4. Although the outsides of a bone are hard, they are generally light and soft inside there about 75% water.

5. Adult human bones account for 14 % of the body's Total weight.

6. In 2000 babies are born with a tooth that is already visible.

7. Finger nails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!

8. Your thighs bones is stronger than concrete.

9. The strongest bone in your body is the femur(thighbone), and it's Hollow!

10. The adult human body has 206 bones in all, a baby has 300, as you age the bones fused together and combine and become the 206 we need in adulthood. Kids health: where you and your child can get a good look at the whole skeletonal system.

11. The funny bone really isn't funny! we call it that because if you accidentally bump this area known as your ulnar nerve, a shock wave feeling Travels across your epicondyle which is rounded, Bony projection on the side of the bone in the top of your arm which we know better as the humerus bone. Hence the title "funny" bone.

12. During birth it can be quite common for and infant to break their clavicle bone as they travel through the birth Canal. There is no need to panic though as the higher rate of bone growth in babies fixes the break within days of birth.

13. Our first vertebra is called an Atlas after the mythological Greek God who was forced to hold the world on his shoulders; the round globe was linked to a person's head and so named.

14. Did you know that babies are born without kneecaps? The kneecaps bones developed between the age of 2 and 6 year old. The Patella or kneecaps can be prone to injury such as runner's knee, housemaid's knee or dislocation.

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